Nevada Department of Transportation
Home MenuUnsolicited Proposal Process
Nevada Revised Statute sections 408.5471 through 408.549 grants Nevada Department of Transportation the authority to accept unsolicited proposals for transportation facilities as defined within the statute.
The following information provides uniform guidance to parties who may be considering submitting unsolicited proposals to NDOT.
The purpose of these Unsolicited Proposal Procedures is to provide uniform guidance to parties who may be considering submitting Unsolicited Proposals to the Nevada Department of Transportation (DEPARTMENT).
NRS Sections 408.5471 through 408.549 grants the DEPARTMENT the authority to accept unsolicited proposals for transportation facilities (Unsolicited Proposal) as defined within the statute. NRS Section 408.548 requires the DEPARTMENT to adopt Rules and Regulations as a prerequisite to accepting Unsolicited Proposals. On April 19, 2010, these rules and regulations where adopted pursuant to NRS 408.548 and NRS Chapter 233B into the Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) Chapter 408.
NRS 408.5475 sets forth the minimum requirements of an Unsolicited Proposal. NRS 408.5475(2)(j) requires a proposer to submit other information as required by the DEPARTMENT. NRS 408.5483(4) requires the DEPARTMENT to charge to cover its cost of evaluating Unsolicited Proposals.
Deliver 5 bound copies, plus 5 electronic copies of the Unsolicited Proposal in a sealed box or boxes to the DEPARTMENT at the following address:
Nevada Department of Transportation - Pioneer Program
Administrative Services Division
1263 South Stewart Street, Room 101
Carson City, NV 89712
The DEPARTMENT reserves the right to request additional copies should the DEPARTMENT decide that additional copies of the Unsolicited Proposal are necessary for it to complete its review of the submittal.
Department may use proprietary information or intellectual property contained in an unsolicited proposal as part of a request for proposals or request for qualifications and may award a contract based on that request for proposals or request for qualifications to a proposer other than the proposer who submitted the unsolicited proposal. The Department will not release to a third party, or otherwise make public, any financial information submitted by a proposer.
The Pioneer Program
- Keep Nevada competitive and moving
- Enhance Nevada’s standard of living and economic vitality by increasing mobility for commuters, visitors, transit, and economic commerce
- Reduce congestion on heavily-traveled Nevada transportation corridors
- Deliver projects faster and with greater cost certainty throughout the state, thus promoting rural economies and job-boosting development
- Improve safety by unlocking gridlocked roadways
- Improve air quality by reducing the number of idling vehicles stuck in traffic
- Enhance express transit, vanpool, and rideshare opportunities in applicable areas
The Pioneer Program represents a concerted effort by the Department to lead the way in incorporating innovation into transportation project delivery. Through the Pioneer Program, the Department will explore various contracting methods, technologies, business practices, and financing mechanisms to meet Nevada's needs.
NRS Sections 408.5471 through 408.549 grants the Department the authority to accept unsolicited proposals for transportation facilities (Unsolicited Proposals) as defined within the statute.