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I-15 South Project: Sloan Road to North of Warm Springs Road
Construction underway through December 2025
Project Overview
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) began improvements along nearly nine miles of Interstate 15 (I-15) South from Sloan Road to north of Warm Springs Road in January 2024. This Project will aid in improving travel-time reliability, serve proposed growth in the area by increasing local mobility and access, and enhance I-15’s operational efficiency. Construction is anticipated to be completed within a 24-month period.
Project features include:
- Widening I-15 from six to eight general-purpose lanes between Sloan Road and St. Rose Parkway
- Widening and restriping I-15 from six to 10 general-purpose lanes between St. Rose Parkway and Blue Diamond Road
- Adding a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane in each direction between St. Rose Parkway and Blue Diamond Road
- Resurfacing bridges and pavement preservation at the Blue Diamond Interchange
- Construction of 6 new sound walls near qualifying residential areas throughout the corridor
Project Cost and Funding
The total cost for construction is $86 M. The project is paid for with 95% federal and 5% state funds. Funding sources include National Highway Performance Program (NHPP), Surface Transportation Block (STBG) and PROTECT Program grants, and state gas tax.
Fisher Industries
Below is a general overview of the construction schedule. The schedule is subject to change.
January-June 2024 (Complete):
- Earthwork and widening SB I-15 from St. Rose Pkwy. to Sloan Rd.
- Earthwork and widening both SB and NB I-15 from St. Rose Pkwy. to Silverado Ranch Blvd.
- Earthwork and widening SB I-15 from St. Rose
- Concrete grinding at the Sloan Rd. interchange
- Drainage and electrical improvements
- Bridge resurfacing at Blue Diamond Rd.
- Begin forming sound walls
July-December 2024:
- Earthwork and widening NB I-15 from Sloan Rd. to St. Rose Pkwy.
- Drainage and electrical improvements
- Forming sound walls
- Installing overhead signs
- Rock landscaping
- Fence and guard rail installation
January-June 2025:
- Earthwork and widening NB I-15 from Cactus Ave. to Silverado Ranch Blvd.
- Earthwork and widening SB Blue Diamond Rd to Silverado Ranch Blvd.
- Drainage and electrical improvements
- Forming sound walls
- Rock landscaping
- Fence and guard rail installation
- Installing overhead signs
July-December 2025:
- Mill and fill existing asphalt NB and SB from Warm Springs Rd. to Sloan Rd.
- Electrical improvements
- Rock landscaping
- Fence and guard rail installation
Traffic Control
Project working hours are nightly, Sunday nights starting at 8 p.m. through Friday evenings at 5 p.m.
- Drivers can expect lane shifts and lane reductions to occur with a reduced speed of 55 MPH.
- During daytime hours, Monday-Friday from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m., three lanes of traffic will be maintained in each direction.
- Traffic will be reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction nightly, Sunday-Friday 8 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Project Background
In 2008, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared for the I-15 South Corridor Improvement Project, addressing the environmental effects of improvements along the I-15 corridor, including a portion of Las Vegas Boulevard South, between Sloan Road and Tropicana Avenue. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the overall project was approved by the Federal Highway Administration on April 20, 2009.
In 2022, a reevaluation of the I-15 South EA and FONSI was done to consider changing conditions and new issues that have transpired over the last several years within the I-15 South project area. The reevaluation of effects of the Phase 2 improvements was approved by FHWA and the project immediately moved forward into design. Design plans were finalized in the summer of 2023.
I-15 South Corridor Improvement Project EA_2008
Public Meeting Presentation_November 2022
NDOT Project Manager: Mauricio Cardenas, P.E.
(702) 671-8876
NDOT Acting Resident Engineer: Shawn Meagher
(702) 481-2362
For noise complaints, please contact Kevin Van Riel with Fisher Industries at (702) 219-3375 or